Guaranteed On-Time Delivery to Any Location

Using a Scan & Track system, ABC Cargo provides its clients with complete real-time visibility of the shipments and products. This is done via different scanners placed at strategic points in the warehouse, which communicate information through an online portal every time a delivery is made. A 100% portability and ample usage of messages guarantee quick & effective communication.

Implementing Modern Technology

Our focus is on changing the exhausting procedure of logistics and transportation into an uncomplicated, straightforward undertaking for our clients. Hence, boundaries are no more a headache especially if you have the perfect courier solution. Also, we believe the world is one neighborhood and can connect with our network. Our smart innovation makes sending dispatches simple, regardless of the destination.

Connecting World Wide

At ABC Cargo, we believe if you can’t move your cargo speedily, you shouldn’t be carrying it at all! However, it’s not only the speed that matters but quality as well. That’s what we offer, quality service with speed. ABC Cargo serves as a synonym of a professional cargo delivery network. We provide air, sea and road cargo transportation and documentation services under one roof.

  • 7,500,000

    Happy Customers

  • 2500+


  • 100+


Chairman’s Message

As we embark on another day, the opportunities ahead are full of innovative and creative possibilities. Every day is a fresh start and holds immense potential for growth and advancing goals. Since its inception, ABC Cargo and Courier has been recognized not only for its efficiency but also for its commitment to providing top-notch services to clients worldwide. Our focus on timely delivery and customer satisfaction has contributed to our success and reputation as a dependable and customer-focused company. With on-time delivery and client-focused methods being our core beliefs, it comes as no surprise that it is working wonders to enhance our credentials.

When we launched ABC Cargo, we reimagined how clients perceive freight and delivery services. Not only have we achieved a significant transformation in how we deliver, but we have also made customer loyalty our top priority. The continuous growth of our customer base is a testament to our remarkably high level of success in executing this.

The vision that inspired the creation of ABC Cargo sparked a progressive effort in improving and enhancing delivery services, which has proven to be immensely successful. ABC Cargo has set a new benchmark in the delivery industry and established itself as the market leader, leaving a noticeable impact worldwide.

ABC Cargo owes its success story to the determination and passion of the team that forms the strong backbone of the organization. The team has contributed to building the company's reputation due to a powerful combination of hard work, motivation, and positive attitudes. Without them, the level of success we have achieved would have been unattainable.

The support and confidence of our clients inspire ABC Cargo to raise the bar and continue to provide consistently improved services. We believe that the opportunities ahead will lead to new ventures and inevitable possibilities.

Dr.Shareef Abdul Khader

Chairman, ABC Cargo


At ABC Cargo, our mission is to lead the way in both domestic and international cargo delivery. We prioritize quality, safety, value, and integrity to cultivate customer trust. Our aim is to provide expert solutions and enhance customer satisfaction by delivering their love and belongings to any destination worldwide.


Our vision is to establish ABC Cargo as the most trusted organization in shipping and relocation both domestically and globally. We strive to offer our customers a comprehensive logistics solution and become their top choice through dependable service. Our goal is to create a unique position in the market by consistently improving the quality of our operations.